Downton Abbey

Calling all Downton-ites:

Here is something fun you may want to do: Write a letter to the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon at Highclere Castle!

I have the very good fortune of going to a small private reception with the Earl and Countess, Lord and Lady Herbert, at Highclere in early September 2013.

I would love to hand deliver a bound collection of personal letters from Downton Abbey
fans about what fascinates us when we see their home on TV. Sharing Highclere is such a special thing to do, so write whatever means the most to you.

It could be:

  • The art and furniture collections
  • The history of the home
  • The fashions and the jewelry, etc.

A handwritten, single-page letter (or if you must, typed and signed) that I can have bound into a lovely book, would really make an impact as something very special to present to the Earl and Countess, and who knows where that might lead? Please use as the salutation to your letter: Dear Lord and Lady Herbert and send it by August 20, 2013 to:

Dan Alpert
Detroit Public Television
1 Clover Ct.
Wixom, Michigan 48393

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